Time Spent Watching Movies

Time Spent Watching Movies 3 Days 14 Hours 23 Minutes

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

World War Z October Movie #3 (Movie #88)

World War Z (2013)


Opening credits contain a montage of news reports talking about how things in the world are going bad.  That is also just called the news.  One of them mentioned a rabies outbreak and that is called foreshadowing.  Brad Pitt, along with his ginger wife and 2 girls, decide to go out for a nice afternoon drive through Philly.  All of a sudden a cop runs by and clips his cars mirror.  A little odd.  Then another cop runs by and yells at him to stay in the car.  Brad starts obeying but a dump truck comes down out of nowhere and starts running everything over.  At first I thought something like “whoa, the zombie thing is starting” but also maybe some guy found a way to keep drinking into the 4th quarter at the Eagles game.  Next thing you know, the zombies are out and they are moving fast.  Some of them seem to jump 20 feet at a time, making them some kind of super zombies.

 This movie has zombies and gingers

Brad and family escape the mass chaos by finding their way to a camper and on the still has time to count out how long how long it takes for some to turn into a zombie.  They leave Philly, choosing to go to somewhere safer like Newark.  Cape Cod must’ve seemed too sketchy.  On their way they stop a store to do some looting and Pitt has to save his wife from getting a little raped but all in all they make it to some high rise apartment building.  There is zombie chase up the stairs that leads the family to the apartment of a Latino family and safety.

The safety only lasts one night and they are off again in the morning, this time with the boy Tomas from the Latino family.  They escape by helicopter to the UN’s command ship somewhere in Atlantic because Brad used to work for them.  The dude in charge tells him that the president is dead and this outbreak is now worldwide.  Some army guy tells Brad that he’s has to go to South Korea and look for the first person infected with their main scientist or they’ll kick his family off the ship.

They get to Korea and the scientist looses his cool, accidently killing himself and making the trip a waste of time.  Pitt gets inside the base and learns a little about the virus from the guards.  One guy from the CIA there tells him that to fight the spread of the disease the North Koreans took out all of their people’s teeth.  I don’t think they were big corn on the cob people anyway.

Pitt’s next destination is Jerusalem to find out how that they knew to lock up their borders before the outbreak came.  There is a huge wall all around the city that would seem insurmountable but the zombie’s climb all over each other until they break into the city.  There is a nice little chase scene and Brad saves one of the bitten Israeli soldiers buy cutting off her chomped on hand.  They make it to the airport and take off to safety.

 They are running to get ice cream not from zombies

Except not really because a zombie made its way onto the plane and everything goes south fast.  Pitt’s only option of possibly surviving is damaging the plane so he throws a grenade and the bird crashes.  He wakes up and is impaled by what looks like the armrest.  The Israeli chick and Brad head to the local W.H.O center where he passes out.  He wakes up to the new Doctor Who’s face and after finally getting on speaking terms Pitt tells them his plan for beating the zombies.  He thinks that the zombies won’t go after diseased humans so everyone will need to infect themselves with like SARS or something and then treat that.  It’s not so easy to test though because all of the centers diseases are stored on the zombiefied wing.


The rest of the movie is just Brad trying to get to the diseases and then testing it out successfully on himself.  It takes a while to get there but in the end it looks like the day has been saved.
 This is probably what Jennifer Aniston thinks Brangelina looks like


Favorite Scene: I liked the plane scene the most.  Something about being stuck in a small space with a zombie just seems better than a big city.  I really had no idea what he was going to do.  Also the scene of him waking up from the crash was up there too.  It was the best use of music in the movie as well as the best looking visually.

Memorable Lines: “Most people don’t believe something can happen until it already has.  That’s not stupidity or weakness, that’s just human nature”

“Expert” Reviews: Lisa Kennedy says “As compelling as Pitt is at reflecting the world's pain through Lane's eyes, the movie treats him too often as if he truly is the only one with loved ones to lose or a world to save.” It did that once in two hours Lisa.
That’s the only one because the other rotten reviews are actually pretty spot on.  This is a first.

Rating: 6.5 Tootsie Pops.  Cherry.  The movie was ok but I’m a zombie Nazi and those weren’t zombies.  They were people with rabies or something, just like the infected from 28 days later (which was a better movie).  Brad Pitt did good job acting and fit his roll really well.  I didn’t understand the need for the Israeli chick and could’ve done without her.  Also Brad Pitt seems to be pretty invincible for instance if they are being chased up the stairs in the apartment building by the same zombies that climbed over the wall in Israel there would’ve been no second or third acts.  I did like the global aspect of the movie and seeing whole cities blowing up was cool (in a not columbine way).

Alternate Ending (Spoilers): If I ever am in a zombie apocalypse I’ll probably worry about surviving but when I’m just watching a movie, I want to see the zombies goes down especially in one called World War Z.  Instead of going to the World Health Organization, Brad goes to the World Bomb Organization (formerly known as Mythbusters) and they make a zombie bomb which saves the day.

What would I do if I was the main character: Either grow my hair a little longer or cut it a little shorter.  Didn’t care for that length.

What happens in the sequel: I always wanted to read this book but never got around to it because I don’t really read anymore.  I’m guessing they’ll make a second because they like money.  The zombies will probably get desperate and start eating everything.  There was a quick clip of Piers Morgan in the beginning and if he lived through the first somehow I hope he is eaten on screen in 2.

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That is all.

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