Friday, October 10, 2014

Wolf Creek 2 (October Movie 4)

Wolf Creek 2

Two crooked cops pull over the redneck from the first movie and give him a hard time.  Somehow they are so dirty that they make the serial killer seem like a victim.  Doesn’t last long though because when they drive away, the redneck shoots one of their heads half and breaks the others leg.  He then does his paralyzing back stab thing, pours gasoline on him and lights the guy up.  There’s our intro.

A couple of Germans are hitchhiking their way to Wolf Creek and are picked up by the redneck.  That’s what they get for hitchhiking in 2014.  They survive this time and continue to hitchhike, eventually getting pissed and yelling at a car that doesn’t pick them up.  How about you grow up and rent a car like an adult Germans?  I already don’t care about them at all.

The redneck shows up at their camp that night, cuts the guys head off and puts the woman in a sleeper hold to make the kidnapping easier I guess.  Ron Burgundy would say that escalated quickly.  She wakes up to the redneck dicing up her boyfriend, including showing him cutting off his ding dong.  Unfortunately, this isn’t the first detached dong in the history of this blog (Piranha 3D).

Next we are introduced to a guy just driving down the road.  He gets a phone call from someone listed as “My Angel” in his phone so I already don’t respect him.  The German girl has woken up and the two of them cross paths.  She jumps in his car and there is a chase with the redneck which ends with her getting shot in the head and the new guy getting away.  For some reason, instead of driving the girl to the police station or something, he dumps her body out in the desert and drives away.

Yet another chase between the new guy and the redneck occurs, this time involving kangaroos that are run over (stupid).  New guy loses but gets away on foot into the desert with only a little bottle of water that quickly gets consumed.  He stumbles to the house of a nice elderly couple who are gunned down by the redneck resulting in another chase with this one being on foot.

He gets caught and brought back to the rednecks place where they talk and torture.  After getting his fingers sawed, the new guy walks around a catacombs to try and get away but doesn’t.  The end.  Not a whole lot to this one.

Rating: 4.8/10 This isn’t a good movie.  The script is worse and the original didn’t have that really going for it in the first place.  The gore is upped but it’s really forced.  The acting is so-so across the board.  I found myself bored a few times.  Just a bad movie.

Favorite Scene: When the guy first got to the old peoples house there was a real horror feel.   You didn’t know the situation or where it was going.  Pretty poorly executed in the end.

Memorable Lines: Not even looking them up.

What I would do if I was the main character: Again, not go to Australia. 

What happens in the sequel: Well if there is one, I won’t be seeing it.  If I was coming up with the plot, lets say two French tourists visit Australia, have a great time and then go home without being murdered.  5 stars. 

 Hitchhiking in the desert where a bunch of lonely, crazy Aussies live?  Thumbs down.

 Guy hates righties

 This pleases me

 Australian drinking games.

No more wolves.

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