Thursday, October 23, 2014

ABCs of Death 2 (October Movie 10)

ABC’s of Death 2

All right so the first ABC’s was one of the worst things I’ve ever watched.  Possibly the only time a movie has made me feel embarrassed for choosing it to watch with my producer (who couldn’t make it halfway).  So maybe directors, let’s not so much creative freedom this time.  To the letters...

A is for Amateur- an undercover cop tries climbing through air ducts to kill some kind of criminal.  He is doing a terrible job and ends up getting stuck.  Three weeks later we see a guy cleaning the ducts pull him out.  As the dead cop’s gun falls to the ground, it fires catching the criminal in the neck.  Mission accomplished I guess.  So-so start.

B is for Badger – the host of a British nature show is doing a piece on how some badgers land has been contaminated and overrun by a power plant.  He’s a jerk and ends up being killed by said badgers.  Nothing special.

C is for Capital Punishment – a town outraged over a missing girl tries and executes the man they believed did it.  Better.

D is for Deloused – some creepy stop motion animation.  Not into it.

E is for Equilibrium – a woman comes between two men stranded on an island.  Turns into a 4-minute beer commercial for men in the end.  I’ve seen worse.

F is for Falling – an Israeli soldier’s parachute is caught in a tree when a Palestinian guy finds her.  He may or may not fall out of the tree.  Not the most to it but not terrible.

G is for Granddad – A grandfather ends up killing his annoying punk grandson.  Oh and he has no ding dong.  First really bad one.

H is for Head Games – a sketched out depiction of a couple making out and then killing each other.  If you’re an artist into this kind of style you probably liked it.  I’m not.

I is for Invincible – four adults try to kill their 120-year-old mother to get her inheritance.  He has some kind of pearl in her that won’t let her die.  In the end it’s spit into the mouth of another and she dies.  At least it was short.

J is for Jesus - a guy has his gay son taken and exorcised to get the gay out.  The guy being exorcised/tortured sees them as demons.  All of a sudden he gets stigmata driving one priest to really turn up the heat on the torture.  Then a devil like creature comes out of nowhere and kills one of them, branding another.  Not a very Jesus-like move.  A little more entertained.

K is for knell - a weird black sphere appears in the sky and people start E.K.E (everybody kill everybody).  A lady bleed from her who-ha and it ends.  I never heard a bell and don’t get it.

L is for Legacy – African tribe politics go bad.  Pretty rough production value here.

M is for Masticate – a guy punches people and eats someone’s ear.  34 minutes before, he did some bath salts.  That’s the whole thing.  Oh and it was super dragged out in slow motion.  Big time pass.

N is for Nexus – a guy riding his bike on Halloween gets hit by a car.  The bike flies into the air and hits a kid in the head.  They both die and I learned what a nexus is.  Word is cooler than the short.

O is for Ochlocracy (Mob Rule) - It’s 2018 and people who have killed zombies are being put on trial for murder after a cure has been found.  All the killing happened before the cure (including her daughter) but the zombies are still pissed.  Liked everything about this one except the name.

P is for P-P-P-P Scary - three bad acted criminals escape from jail come across a man and start dancing together.  They seem happy until one sneezes and things go bad.  This was so bad.  Belongs in the original.  Almost making me angry bad.

Q is for Questionnaire – a guy is getting an intelligence test on the street and killing it.  The test ends with him getting a perfect score, being taking to a surgery room, having his brain removed and sticking it in a gorillas.  Who saw that coming?

R is for Roulette - two German dudes and a chick are playing Russian roulette.  Not bad

S is for Split - a woman is at home during a house invasion while on the phone with her husband.  The intruder kills the wife and picks up the phone.  Asks the husband to speak with her husband.  Solid twist.

T is for Torture Porn- a woman is being humiliated at a porno shoot by the director and crew.  She turns into a demon and kills/rapes all of them.  We’ve all seen it a thousand times before.  Didn’t like.

U is for Utopia - A bunch of decent looking people watch as a robot kills a “sub-norm”.  I’m sure the director was making a statement on classicism or societies value on beauty but it was just dumb and simple.

V is for Vacation - A guy goes on a vacation with his bro.  While face chatting with his girlfriend, the bro steals the phone and shows the girlfriend a hotel room full of drugs and prostitutes.  One skank gets punched so in turn, the other stabs the bro 20 times with a screwdriver and throws the other off a balcony.  The end.

W is for Wish - two kids are teleported into the world of their favorite superhero.  Instead of it being fun, it’s a horror movie.  Lots of murder and torture.  One dies and the other is kidnapped.  I like the idea but definitely not the execution.

X is for xylophone - a kids xylophone playing is annoying enough for her babysitter to murder, dismember and play her rib cage as an instrument.  Horrible short.

Y is for Youth - A Japanese girl is pissed that her stepdad who was watching her dog let him die.  So she turns into a dog, has pencil’s thrown at his wrists and kills him by having a guitar come out of his neck.  Actually none of that really happened at the end there, it was in her jacked up head.  Same story with her mom and a vegetable monster because that’s what she makes the daughter eat.  The girl gives them the finger.  This one sucked too

Z is for Zygote – a woman is pregnant but it looks like she never gives birth.  She kills a cat for food.  The baby wants out (to be born) but she won’t let him.  The kid then kills her, forces all of her bones and organs out of her mouth, and wears her around like a skin suit so they can be together forever.  The dad then comes home to get the body pregnant again.  Definitely in the running for worst letter.

Rating: 4.9 – This movie was better but only because it had to be.  I thought O was the best and S was a distant second.  P,G,X,Z,Y all sucked really badly.  P was so bad.

Don’t watch this movie unless you really, really want to.

That’s all

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