Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Catch Up Post Pt. 2

Movie #22
The Haunting (1963)
The haunting is the story of a doctor and three assistants checking out a haunted house.  The main character Eleanor whines the whole time
See?  It's such an annoying sound too.
Rating: 5.3 Atomic Fireballs.  Couldn't get into this movie and I blame the main character.  Didn't like her in any scene.  Everyone else did a good job acting.  Ending is good.  Fun fact; the director filmed this in between doing West Side Story and The Sound of Music.

Movie #23
Motel Hell (1980)
Who wouldn't want to watch this movie?  The plot is Vince and his sister are famous for making the best smoked meats around.  The only problem is their special ingredient.  You can guess what that is.

Don't wake up lady.

Rating: 6.1 Bottle Caps.  A soso movie turned amazing at the end.  Not only is there a chainsaw sword fight, but one of the guys is wearing a pigs head mask and doing an evil laugh the whole time.  If you like bad horror movies, watch this one.

Movie #24
Return of the Living Dead (1985)

This is another enjoyable b horror movie.  Think of it as punks and morticians vs zombies.  Juwanna man plays a zombie and there's lots of funny overacting to be seen.  Plus this happens:

start at 1:35

Rating: 6.0 Pixy Sticks.  Movie was pretty good and I can see myself watching it again.

Movie #25
The Omen (1976)
Oh man was The Omen good.  I had never seen it before and it felt a lot like The Exorcist.  Movie ruined the name Damien.

He did it.
Rating: 7.9 Peanut M&M's.  By the same director who did The Goonies  

Movie #26
Event Horizon (1997)

Another good movie.  It's like two other movies that each guy on the cover did (The Matrix and In the Mouth of Madness) merged into one giant messed up space movie.


6.5  SpaceMan Candy Bars.  Spaceship takes a wormhole to hell?  Yes please.

Movie #27
The Conjuring (2013)

The Conjuring and Sinister are like Step Brothers and Pineapple Express for me.  I thought Pineapple Express was going to be really funny and Step Brothers would be just ok but it was the other way around.  I thought Sinister would be great and the conjuring would just be another possession movie but it was an awesome watch.  The movie focus' about 40% on a possessed family and 60% on the paranormal investigating team.

 Rating: 7.7  This movie was fun to watch.  Also don't be a dog in a horror movie.  Maybe the "scariest" movie of the month.

Movie #28
Session 9 (2001)

I saw this movie maybe four years ago and was underwhelmed.  I think my favorite favorite favorite setting for a horror movie is an abandoned psych ward so I gave it another chance.  Maybe I didn't pay attention enough the last time because I spent the whole movie thinking the bad guy was someone else.

 Couldn't pay me enough to go in there alone

 Rating: 6.5 Mike and Ikes.  The director did a good job with this movie.  There was an indie vibe to it and the whole time you just felt uneasy for all the characters.  The only thing wrong with Session 9 is David Caruso.  Worst acting.  Moments like the video are so bad that they are funny but they also hurt the building suspense of everything.
(Language warning)

Movie #29
Maniac (2012)
 This is a remake from an 80's movie that seems like a documentary on what very well may be a month in Elijah Wood's real life.  What makes this movie good is that it is shot from the point of view of the killer.

Just looking for rings.

Rating: 6.8 Gummy Worms.  The movie isn't scary because you are the one doing the scaring.  That feature makes it cool as does Wood doing crazy person things.  The music fits well with the movie as well.

Movie #30
Room 237(2012)

This is a docementary on The Shining.  I thought it was great and packed full of info but if you aren't into The Shining then it would be boring.  It's full of theories and background stories that I had no idea about.  Worth the watch for me at least.

Lots of stuff like this going on

Rating: 6.5  While Room 237 is nothing special visually, the content is interesting and it's something good to watch if you're bored.

Movie #31
The Shining (1980)

Had to watch this one next.  Still weird.  Still awesome.  One of the only long movies that I don't have any care about.  It could be four hours long and I would still find it interesting.


Rating: 8.2  Acting, cinematography, storyline, etc. Everything is good about this movie.  70's/80's Jack is always solid.

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