Sunday, February 24, 2013

Candy and a Movie Oscar Special

The pictures aren't timed up even though they took forever to do.  If listening is too, then here's the notes I took as I watched all of these

Best Picture:
amour- harsh movie.  definitely was good.  a little long.  sweet ending
argo- definitely liked it
beasts of the southern wild- good but wasn't in love with the final act.
django unchained- fun to watch but maybe not the best done I've seen.
les mis- sucked
life of pi- pretty good movie.  not best picture worthy
lincoln- was ok, ddl ruled but rest was a little long and boring.   just a little racist.
SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK- a lot like slum dog for me although it took me a while to settle into it.  wanted a twist.
zero dark 30- good, dragged a little

Best Actor:

bradley cooper (silver linings playbook) - pretty good.  out shown by lawrence but acted better than i thought he could
DANIEL DAY LEWIS (LINCOLN)- ridiculous.  didn't see him once only saw lincoln
hugh jackman (les mis)- did good i guess.  i laughed a lot at him
joaquin phoenix (the master)- real life crazy guy plays a good crazy guy
denzel washington (flight)- good enough job.  bad dad.  not winning.

Best Actress:

jessica chastain (zero dark 30) - good but not totally convincing.
JENNIFER LAWRENCE (SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK)- really dropped some acting in the second half of the movie
emmaunelle riva (amour)- pretty darn awesome
quvenzhanne wallis (beasts of the southern wild)- great job for a little.
naomi watts (the impossible)- very good.

Supporting Actor:

alan arkin (argo) funny, same character as always
reobert de nero (silver linings playbook)- wasn't sold in the beginning but really liked him towards the end
phillip seymour hoffman (the master)- pretty good.  convincing.
tommy lee jones (lincoln) very similar to arkin.  played angry.  was pretty good.

Supporting Actress

amy adams the master- good but was barely in the movie.
SALLY FIELD (LINCOLN) -went for it but maybe overdid it a little
anne hathaway (les mis) - was barely in it but did a good job
helen hunt (the seasons) naked and said full penetration a lot.  not much range.
jacki weaver (silver linings playbook)- don't know why she's here.  was good and everything but didn't stand out.

Animated Feature Film

BRAVE- good, could've been better
frankenweenie- movie kinda sucks
paranorman- I liked it
the pirates! band of misfits- saved all the swashbuckling for the end.  not good enough.
wreck-it ralph - good got a little slow though.

Best Cinematography

anna karenina- did some very cool things
django- pretty good
life of pi- ocean and luminescence looked great
lincoln - some really cool shots.  definitely knew how to do the slow zoom in on monologues.
SKYFALL- looked beautiful

Best Costume Design

anna karenina- everyone dressed for the times.
LES MISERABLES- very solid
lincoln- good but wasn't amazing or anything.  war uniforms and beards.
mirror mirror- i dug it.  people dressed as animals.
snow white and the huntsman- not as good as some of the others

Best Director

michael haneke (amour)- made a movie where not much happened very intriguing
benh zeitland(beasts of the southern wild)- dude definitely told a story in a unique way
ang (life of pi)- did a really good job telling the story
steven speilberg- good enough job but something about that ending, i don't know.
DAVID O RUSSELL (SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK)- didn't like how the movie started but once it go going dug it.

Documentary Feature

5 broken cameras- say what its about.  ignorant.
the gatekeepers
how to survive a plague- ok.  about aids.  missed most of it in life.  mostly old footage.
the invisible war- brutal.  about rape in military.  i want names!  lets kill some dudes.  movie ends and said it was written by kirby dick.  kid you not.
SEARCHING FOR SUGARMAN - crazy slow start but last 45 minutes or so were good.

Documentary Short

INOCENTE - homeless girl making it into the ghetto with art.  pretty good.  mom issues.
kings point
mondays at racine
open heart

Film Editing

argo- looked good to me.  some different cuts stringed together
life of pi- i liked it.  lots of fading
LINCOLN- tried things like fading from a flame to lincoln giving a speech, wasn't into it.
silver linings playbook- didn't notice anything

Foreign Language Film

AMOUR- has to win right?
kon-tiki- super well done. 
no- gael garcia was ok.  movie was ok.  was cool how it looked older.
a royal affair
war witch

Makeup and Hairstyling

hitchcock- other than hitchcock who looked great and scarjo's hair not a lot
les mis- very good

Music original score
anna karenina- music was solid.  very corny in the beginning.
argo - didn't stand out
LIFE OF PI- lullaby was good
lincoln- did this movie even have music.  remember one tune at the end, was almost braveheart.

Music original song

before my time (chasing ice)- quiet.  has some violin
everybody needs a best friend (ted)- very like 50s.  worst part of family guy songs.
pi's lullaby (life of pi)-kind of like before my time.  i think theres like 50 instruments going on.
SKYFALL (SKYFALL) - Adele pretty meh.  soso.  takes forever.
suddenly (les mis)- pretty sure i heard the singer sneeze

Production Design

ANNA KARENINA - pretty dang awesome what they did with the play sets.
the hobbit - things looked good.
les mis- good i guess
life- boat and island were cool
lincoln- definitely some well planned shots.

Short Film Animated

adam and his dog-a dog is hanging out in the garden of eden one day and crosses paths with adam.  they bond until eve shows up and ruins everything.  see dong.
fresh quacamole- cute.  claymation guacamole making like grenade for avocado and dice for tomatoes and onions.  only 2 mins long.
head over heels- pretty awesome.  old couple live in same house except its split in two and are falling apart.  he finds her old ballerina shoes, she nails them to the ceiling and they hug
maggie simpson - maggie goes to a crappy daycare and tries to save a butterfly from an inbred looking kid
PAPERMAN-only one i saw before.  liked better than wreck it ralph.  could've gone back to station next day but who wants to see that.

Short Film Live Action

buzkashi boys
death of a shadow (food van den schaduw)

Sound Editing

argo - pretty good
django - didn't stand out
life of pi - lullaby came at time
SKYFALL- dug it.  got the song in at good times.  does that count?
zero dark 30- explosions were loud!

Sound Mixing

argo - pretty good.  nothing standing out
les mis- lots of singing.  definitely needed some mixing
LIFE OF PI- not too shabby
lincoln - didn't stand out.
skyfall- don't know the difference between this and mixing.  i guess it was mixed well

Visual Effects

the hobbit- didn't see the dragon can't win yet
life of pie- ocean, luminescence and island ruled
marvel's the avengers- looked overly cgi
PROMETHEUS- looked amazing
snow white and the huntsman- movie sucked.  good mirror, black stuff and animals.

Writing - Adopted Screenplay

argo- liked it.  stayed with the 80s pretty well
beasts of the southern wild- solid story.
smour- adapted the book well to the movie
lincoln- was expecting a movie about lincoln's whole life not a section.  liked that a lot.  ending not so much.
SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK - pretty darn good.

Writing - Original Screenplay
amour- not the deepest story line until the end
DJANGO UNCHAINED:don't know the original but i really liked it.
flight- good.  did some things at the end
moonrise kingdom- pretty cute movie.
zero dark 30- not bad

1 comment:

  1. Great cliff notes for my last minute picks for Oscar party ballot!! Thanks -
