Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movie #81 Trick 'R Treat

Trick ‘R Treat (2007)

Trick ‘R Treat is like the Creepshow of the 2000’s.  It’s a couple stories blended into one movie.  I remember seeing it a couple years ago and really liked it meaning I will probably like it again.  Unless I’m bipolar, let’s review.


Ricky Bobby’s wife is cleaning up Halloween decorations when she is attacked.  Her husband walks outside, see’s that she’s dead and screams.  Opening credits roll and the movie has begun.  Anna Paquin and a couple of skanks are going to a party.  In another story, this chubby punk kid is smashing pumpkins and stealing candy when some guy busts him.  The candy the punk ate ends up being poisoned by that guy and he gets dragged inside his house.

After a ring from Trick or treaters, the guy buries the kid in an already dug hole in his backyard.  He lives next door to the bad guy from the Bourne movies who happens to be a mean old guy.  Right in his wheelhouse.  Kreeg (Bourne guy) at one point yells for help but the punk murderer Steven ignores his calls.  He goes inside and makes a jack-o-lantern out of the punk kids head.  It’s a little confusing because dead kid’s severed heads already have faces.

We meet the characters of the third story, a couple of kids trick or treating and collecting pumpkins.  The girl in charge of the small group tells a story about how a bus of 8 mentally handicapped kids crashed and fell into a rock quarry.  They are all wearing the creepiest masks.  They go down in the quarry and prank scare the new girl.  She gets scared and its over but the dead kids really do come out of the quarry and kill the prankers because the new girl took the elevator back up without them.  Also this creepy kid with a sack mask keeps popping up in all of the stories and not doing anything.

Back to Paquin who gets attacked by a vampire who has been killing people randomly throughout and she kills him.  The guy ends up not being a vampire but then dude who killed the punk kid.  He asks who the chicks are and they all turn into werewolves in the sexiest way that it could probably possibly be done.   
We move to the last story I think which involves Kreeg.  His house gets egged and boy does he not like it.  We see when he had his interactions with the kid killer next door which is cool.  He goes out to yell but something gets inside his house.  He goes into his bed room and the trick or treat song is written in blood all over the walls.  Something reaches out from under the bed and slices his Achilles meaning he can’t run anywhere.  It’s the sack head kid.  They fight and the kid can walk on walls.  Kreeg rips off his mask and he has a pumpkin for a head.  After the pumpkin head takes a shotgun blast, it still has the power to kill Kreeg but only takes away his poisoned candy.  We are then shown by a photo burning in a fire that he was the bus driver from the quarry.  The movie ends with the sack faced kid being Ricky Bobby’s wife’s murderer and all of the dead mentally ill kids kill Kreeg.  Pretty happy ending as far as horror movies go.


FAVORITE SCENE: The kids at the quarry was my favorite story particularly the bus flashback.

FAVORITE LINES: “Charlie Brown’s an asshole”

PRENTIOUS RATING: “The only shock is how Anna Paquin and Brian Cox ended up in something so atrocious.  In trying to span so many genre, the film fails to hit the mark in any of them” some British guy.  85% of people liked the movie but you only didn’t like it you called it atrocious?  Also “It’s not a smart movie” William Chaw.  You’re not a smart movie William!

ALTERNATE ENDING: There are already a few

WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Check Anna Paquin for hairy legs.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL: The fake vampire’s son takes over the murdering business and the one kid who survives is in control of the sack head.

 Wolf in sheeps clothing
 Halloween skanks!
 Punk and creepy guy
 That's a whole bus full of creepy
 We have to stop Treadstone!
Sackhead has a real name I'm sure

It's a real shame this movie went straight to DVD.  I guess Saw 4 was just too good to compete with right Warner Bros?

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