Sunday, October 14, 2012

Movie # 64 Atrocious

Movie # 64 Atrocious (2010)(what an ugly looking word)

Before I delve into this movie, lets discuss the internet because well, I am a blogger now.  I remember when facebook first came out and people got so into it that they started to get offended whenever they heard anyone being a hater.  They of course didn't create it and made no money off facebook so why should they be all up in arms?  The same for people with Macs.  Why is it even a such a thing that people felt the need to defend Apple while PC people wasted their own energy trying to get under their skin.  Where am I going with this?  Lets just say that I had a moment.  A couple weeks ago I was at my mom's house and she told me that she wanted to watch something on Netflix.  After what felt like an eternity searching for a movie and coming up with nothing, my mom said something along the lines of "I've never heard of any of these, there's nothing good on here".  Uh what?  Nothing good on here?  There's like over 20,000 movies on the instant streaming and there's nothing good on here?  Just because a movie doesn't have Hugh Grant in it doesn't mean it still can't be good.  Come on!  Now I know what you're thinking, calling your mom out on the internet?  That's real classy bozo.  My response to that is THAT'S RIGHT!  NO ONE IS SAFE!  What we need to worry about is what happened to me and why did I turn into one of those facebook nerds?  Who cares what anyone thinks about Netflix but none the less, it happened.  Anyway, the point is sorry to all of you people I made fun of back in 10th grade for facebook.  It takes a big man to admit he is wrong and I am that big man.

So Atrocious, a movie that I found with my new intern on Netflix.  If it sucks, he's fired with actual fire.  What I know about it is that it's 73 minutes long which is perfect because it's 1:39 a.m right now and it has a four star out of five rating according to other movies I've like.  Let's not waste anymore more time.

The opening text says "The mind is like a labyrinth in which anyone can get lost".  It's already starting out with the kind of weirdness I like.  The first 30 seconds are 3 random and creepy cuts from a home video and then saying it's property of the police.  It looks like everything is rewound and we're now watching from the beginning.  Three people Cristian, his sister July and their friend David are going urban exploring at a house that's been abandoned for years.  The urban legend is that if you get lost in the woods, a girl that died there's spirit will come out and show you the way.  Not eat your spirit or haunt the bejesus out of you, but show you the way.  Weak.  Her name is Melinda.

Day 1
They head out and are playing cassettes in 2010.  Is that what's going on in Spain?  The U.N needs to step in.  At least the kid has a Nintendo DS.  The Spanish family get to their vacation house and it looks like they don't have a TV because they're playing cards.  Nothing happens day 1

Day 2
The brother and sister head out into the labyrinth(maze) that's on the property.  They get lost for a little while but nothing happens because it's day time.  This whole movie takes place on the families camcorder just like the paranormal activity movies.  Also like the paranormal activities, the guy is annoying.  When they get back inside the dad starts wigging out and says don't go in the maze.  One of their childhood friends comes over who still lives by the house and they ask him to tell the story of Melinda a little better.  Melinda got lost and they never found the body.  It also could be the devil trying to trick you.  If you get lost, she is supposed to show you the way.  Kind of a big difference between a girl trying to help you and the devil.  Continuing on, she supposedly went looking for her mother.  You are also supposed to never turn your back on her.  If you do hear her moaning, that means she is behind you.  The people that claim to see her say they'll never forget the sound.  Some people tell the story in a way that she's evil and other say she is nice.  Very interesting Carlos, thank you for picking up the movie.  That night the camera turns on while they're sleeping and we hear the dog barking.  Dogs always see the spirit first so I like where this is going.  If they had a night vision camera that could pick up ghosts these movies would go by much faster. 

Day 3
The dad goes back to town to work so I guess that means the two 20 year old young adults can do mischief now.  Or they could have grown up and done it yesterday.  They go down in the basement and boy is it creepy.  Sort of looks like the basement from a Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  They find a TV in the basement and watch horror movies on it.  Mischief managed.  Upstairs they hear a glass break and their mom (the only one not with them) is asleep.  They leave their little cousin or brother to play with the dog and head back into the labyrinth.  After going pretty deep inside, they find a well.  Not good.  There's never cupcakes at the bottom of a well.  Cristian does a little Melinda taunting and they move on.  It's starting to get darker and they see a shadowy shape a little in front of them.  They check out the footage when they get back meaning no one dies on day three.  That night he leaves the camera on and the dog starts barking at something again.  Nothing happens

Day 4
When they wake up, the dog is missing.  Uh oh, would rather Cristian die than that dog right now.  Side note, the mom looks a little Asian which i bet they don't see a whole lot of in Spain.  The brother and sister go in the maze looking for the dog.  They find fresh blood and the dogs collar on the ground.  They go over to the well and sure enough, the dog is dead inside.  There was a lot of blood and I don't think the ghost is going to turn out to be the a nice one after all.  Cristian checks last nights footage and there's nothing on there because the sister unplugged it.


That night the little brother is missing, probably in the maze to look for the dog because the older siblings didn't want to tell him he's dead.  The mom runs into the woods, Cristian runs after his mom and July runs after Cristian.  Basically that means everyone is alone out in the maze with Cristian and July each having their own camera.  Someone has to get lost.  First July turns around, hears a weird noise and sees a figure in her camera.  Starts to lose it screaming.  Cristian runs into her and now their together.  Her camera gets broken because they collided with each other so we only can see from Cristian's.  Suddenly somewhere in the darkness we hear the mom scream a few times or what at least could be the mom.  July thinks it might be the moaning of Melinda and wants him to wait but he keeps running and leaves her with no camera, not able to see anything.  Another side note: If you ever get lost in the woods with someone, the best thing to do is split up.  Psych.  Up ahead Cristian finds a flashlight.  He is super scared and I can't blame him.  He starts crying and sits down to maybe collect himself.  I wouldn't do that.  If you are waiting to call him officially lost than you don't have to wait anymore.  Cristian turns off the night vision and goes with the flashlight instead.  Not making clear decisions.

His wits might be returning to him because the night vision is back on.  Out of no where he gets pulled and dragged backwards.  Paused it to guess what happens.  Let's see, there's 22 minutes left and it's kind of early for the movie to be ending.  I'm going to guess it's the dad returned or something.  Resume.  He gets up and runs away.  So it was probably Melinda but who knows.  He does get away from it which is weird and kind of lame.  Ghosts don't let you off the hook like that.  He spends like 5 straight minutes just panting and running through the woods.  It's either time to die or time to be the only one left in your family.  Make up your mind Cristian.  He finds a little pavilion that was in the maze and July is tied up to it, bloody and hysterical.  That part was very creepy.  Her mouth is bleeding profusely and I'm thinking we're looking at a potentially removed tongue.  They continue on and July steps on a nail.  Why is all the bad stuff happening to her?

They get back to the house and Cristian goes to get her a towel.  When he comes back, July opens the doors to the fireplace and a charred little brother falls out.  Exactly a second later all of the lights blow out and the fire alarm goes off.  I'm pretty sure they aren't lost anymore.  There is some serious banging coming from somewhere in the house.  Cristian hides July in the pantry and goes looking for what's making the sound.  It's coming from the basement.  Right when he gets to the door, someone starts hacking through it.  He runs upstairs and locks himself in his room.  More crying.  He stays hiding but I'm really worried about July, think about it.  You're a ghost and you've been dead for 70 years.  What's your biggest problem?  Nothing to eat in a maze.  So the first place you go (because you can't haunt on an empty stomach) is the pantry.  Busted.  The camera starts going on the fritz a little

Day 5
Still going on from night 4 at 5:30 am.  The lights come all back on and we can hear music on downstairs.  Cristian goes downstairs to check on things and sees some blood smeared on the walls.  Never a good sign.  things are still pretty dark and the house is pretty torn up.  He checks out the pantry and it's covered in blood.  Cristian heads into the basement and hears recordings of a doctor talking about schizophrenia.  That tells us that the killer is one of three people and I'm breaking it down.  It could be the dad.  We haven't seen him since the beginning of the movie and I thought he would be back by now.  It could be the sister.  Schizophrenia can make you do some crazy things.  Last guess my interns bet is on the mom.  There were a few lines in the beginning of the movie on how she knew the maze really well and we haven't seen a lot of her.  He also thinks that it could be the ghost dogs fault so how knows.  What we do know is that it can't be the little kid because he's ash and we've been with Cristian the whole time so it's probably not him.  Eight minutes left, this is very tense.

The movie kind of ends but it also doesn't.  A screen that comes up that says the police have collected all evidence.  We then hear the recording of a 911 call made my the dad hysterical saying that they're all dead.  It's said over crime scene pictures.  He keeps saying the kids are dead, nothing about the mom.  Maybe my intern was correct.  We see what happened to July, dragged out to the chopping post and decapitated.  Metal. 

To cap things off we get to see what happened down in the basement.  A movie is playing and it's a psychological report on the mom who has psychosis.  Apparently she already killed one of her new born children.  The mom thinks that she is visited by a person named Elvira and it's her fault why she kills her kids. 


Favorite Scene : Inside the house when the axe comes through the basement door.  Good scare.

Memorable Lines : Nothing to really remember

Rating: 6 Chupa Chups Lollypops.  I can't say that there's anything really original in this movie.  The characters weren't all that great.  However, the last 20 minutes was pretty dang intense and I guess that's all I wanted out of a movie like this.  A lot of things were a rip off of [REC] which definitely will be watched sometime this month.

Alternate Ending : Spoiler's in here for sure.  Sometimes when I'm watching a ghost haunting movie I want there to be a ghost.  So in the end, Melinda gets all of them because they are lost.

What I would do if I was the main character : Cry a little less because that's not my thing.  Keep night vision on at all times in the dark so I could see better and hey how about not lose concentration when things are on the line in the basement and pay attention.

What happens in the sequel: Instead of Dances with Wolves the movie will be called Runs with Camera.  Spoilers for the last time.  Couldn't be a sequel but could be a prequel with what happened to the mom and other baby.

 Entrance to the maze
 Dog sees something
 You better not or I'm telling mom!
 Oh boy
She's looked better.
Then get some sleep

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