Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movie #81 Trick 'R Treat

Trick ‘R Treat (2007)

Trick ‘R Treat is like the Creepshow of the 2000’s.  It’s a couple stories blended into one movie.  I remember seeing it a couple years ago and really liked it meaning I will probably like it again.  Unless I’m bipolar, let’s review.


Ricky Bobby’s wife is cleaning up Halloween decorations when she is attacked.  Her husband walks outside, see’s that she’s dead and screams.  Opening credits roll and the movie has begun.  Anna Paquin and a couple of skanks are going to a party.  In another story, this chubby punk kid is smashing pumpkins and stealing candy when some guy busts him.  The candy the punk ate ends up being poisoned by that guy and he gets dragged inside his house.

After a ring from Trick or treaters, the guy buries the kid in an already dug hole in his backyard.  He lives next door to the bad guy from the Bourne movies who happens to be a mean old guy.  Right in his wheelhouse.  Kreeg (Bourne guy) at one point yells for help but the punk murderer Steven ignores his calls.  He goes inside and makes a jack-o-lantern out of the punk kids head.  It’s a little confusing because dead kid’s severed heads already have faces.

We meet the characters of the third story, a couple of kids trick or treating and collecting pumpkins.  The girl in charge of the small group tells a story about how a bus of 8 mentally handicapped kids crashed and fell into a rock quarry.  They are all wearing the creepiest masks.  They go down in the quarry and prank scare the new girl.  She gets scared and its over but the dead kids really do come out of the quarry and kill the prankers because the new girl took the elevator back up without them.  Also this creepy kid with a sack mask keeps popping up in all of the stories and not doing anything.

Back to Paquin who gets attacked by a vampire who has been killing people randomly throughout and she kills him.  The guy ends up not being a vampire but then dude who killed the punk kid.  He asks who the chicks are and they all turn into werewolves in the sexiest way that it could probably possibly be done.   
We move to the last story I think which involves Kreeg.  His house gets egged and boy does he not like it.  We see when he had his interactions with the kid killer next door which is cool.  He goes out to yell but something gets inside his house.  He goes into his bed room and the trick or treat song is written in blood all over the walls.  Something reaches out from under the bed and slices his Achilles meaning he can’t run anywhere.  It’s the sack head kid.  They fight and the kid can walk on walls.  Kreeg rips off his mask and he has a pumpkin for a head.  After the pumpkin head takes a shotgun blast, it still has the power to kill Kreeg but only takes away his poisoned candy.  We are then shown by a photo burning in a fire that he was the bus driver from the quarry.  The movie ends with the sack faced kid being Ricky Bobby’s wife’s murderer and all of the dead mentally ill kids kill Kreeg.  Pretty happy ending as far as horror movies go.


FAVORITE SCENE: The kids at the quarry was my favorite story particularly the bus flashback.

FAVORITE LINES: “Charlie Brown’s an asshole”

PRENTIOUS RATING: “The only shock is how Anna Paquin and Brian Cox ended up in something so atrocious.  In trying to span so many genre, the film fails to hit the mark in any of them” some British guy.  85% of people liked the movie but you only didn’t like it you called it atrocious?  Also “It’s not a smart movie” William Chaw.  You’re not a smart movie William!

ALTERNATE ENDING: There are already a few

WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Check Anna Paquin for hairy legs.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL: The fake vampire’s son takes over the murdering business and the one kid who survives is in control of the sack head.

 Wolf in sheeps clothing
 Halloween skanks!
 Punk and creepy guy
 That's a whole bus full of creepy
 We have to stop Treadstone!
Sackhead has a real name I'm sure

It's a real shame this movie went straight to DVD.  I guess Saw 4 was just too good to compete with right Warner Bros?

Movie #80 The Thing (Prequel)

The Thing (2011)

The latest movie in The Thing universe is a prequel to the 1982 version.  You would think I would have seen it right away with the last one being a favorite of mine and it stars another one of my favorite to look at Mary Elizabeth Winstead but I was scared and never got around to it.  Awful reviews and a serious lack of excitement around the film really just kept me away.  Until now.

Things start out in the familiar Antarctic winter of 1982.  Three Norwegians head out to look for the source of some signal.  They drive their snowmobile van on top of a crevasse and collapse through some very CGI looking ice and see a spaceship at the bottom.  Mary shows up five minutes in as a paleontologist who is going to be brought in to investigate the “structure and sample”.  Joel Edgerton (guy from Warrior movie #1) is a pilot and there seems to be a team of 6 Americans in total brought into the Norwegian base.  He informs Kate (Mary) that a big storm is coming so unless they want to be stuck on the base for a long time, they better finish up their work in a few days.

They go down the crevasse and see the 100,000 year old spaceship in all of its majesty.  They also get a good look at the thing frozen in the ice a little ways off.  Kate is about to start her examination when the guy in charge stops her to get a tissue sample.  She thinks it’s a bad idea and he happens to be a total dick and says “don’t contradict me”.  They are all partying that night when the thing rips out of the ice and jumps away.  They form search groups and scan the compound and the first thing they see is that the dog has been killed.  It kills one guy and they start shooting it to no avail.

Eventually Joel lights the thing on fire and a few scientists are pissed because they wanted to keep it alive.  The charred remains are brought inside and after some Kate investigating, she discovers that its cells are imitating the dead guys.  The rest of the Americans leave to take an injured guy to the nearest hospital and Mary is left behind to do more research.  In one of the bathrooms she finds the bullets that were shot at the thing and blood all over the shower meaning someone else is imitated.  Luckily she does it in time to flag down the helicopter and everyone is brought back.  There are two pilots and two passengers inside the chopper, one of them is the thing and causes it to crash a little ways off.

Kate tells everyone that one of them has been replicated and she has discovered that the thing can’t redo their inorganic matter so those things she found were fillings.  No one believes her and they send out a rescue team to find help from another camp.  Kate gets cornered by the only other chick here who is a thing and manages to make a narrow escape.  Another dude gets killed though.  Should have listened to the hot and yet smart scientist chick.

The group comes around and acknowledges that they have a thing problem when Joel and the other pilot show back up to camp.  The lab where they were about to do the test burns down so Kate starts looking for fillings in each mouth.  It’s not as cool the blood test but it’s better than nothing.  Out of all of them, four fail the test.  Also the two Americans who showed back up are missing too.  A lot of people die really fast in one scene and we’re down to Kate, Carter (Joel) and Sander (the dick) and a British guy.  Also technically we didn’t see Lars die so he could be alive too.  Then just like that Sander dies.

There is a chase scene out of nowhere when the thing takes off back to its ship.  Carter and Kate try to follow it inside but Kate falls into its engine or something.  Eventually she makes it to the bridge and has to hide from the thing.  Right before she is about to be killed, Kate throws a grenade in the thing which causes it to blow up and the ship to be disabled.  The two of them are about to head back when she notices that his earring is gone and he’s a thing.  She torches him and her snowmobile escape vehicle with it.  The movie then just kind of ends.  During the credits we see the guy who slit his throat at the table from the first one and Lars taking off after the runaway dog.


FAVORITE SCENE : Anytime spent on the ship.  I’ll explain why further down

FAVORITE QUOTES : “And the last place you want to be is cooped up with a dozen Norwegian guys”

PRETENTIOUS RATING : Chris Carpenter says “Pointless prequel to the 1982 sci-fi/horror classic.  One of the worst 5 films of 2011.”  Really dude?  It’s worse than Jack and Jill, Sucker Punch, Zookeeper, whatever Twilight movie came out last year, the Conan remake, The Smurfs, Abduction, Bad Teacher, Arthur remake, third Transformers, Hangover 2, Green Lantern, The Changeup, the last Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dilemma, Season of the Witch, Priest, Big Momma’s House 3, Beastly, and The Three Musketeers?  It can only beat out four of those?  I hate over reactions like that.

RATING: 6 Gullbords.  For the most part, this is the exact same movie as the 1982 version, just a little worse.  There are little things that are awesome like the ax being left in the wall and looking at Mary but the only thing that was really new about the movie was actually going on to the space ship.  Mary did good but isn’t the lead that Russell was and the special effects just looked way cooler in the last one.  Movie could have been really good but ended up just being meh.  It was entertaining enough at least but had a tough job from the start living up to the Carpenter one. 

ALTERNATE ENDING:  Am I the only one who wanted the ship to take off and a fight to occur in space?  It’s rare that anyone survives in these movies so if you are already probably going to die, isn’t space practically just as remote as Antarctica in the winter?  Live a little.

WHAT I WOULD DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Mary was pretty clever and I would have a lot to live up to.  Paleontologists have it rough in movies.  You’re either fight aliens or dinosaurs, it’s up to you.  If I loved dead animals that much I could see myself loving them even more alive and become a show dog trainer or something.

 What's for dinner?
 The only two women on the base.  One is marginally hotter than the other
 Running on a spaceship!
 Apply head-on
 Mary taking care of business

Movie #79 The Thing

The Thing (1982)

I love The Thing.

-See you next week.

Just kidding, I can't just say that.  There are so many elements that make The Thing a great movie.  Enough wasting time failing to be funny, on to the movie!

There's a quick shot of a spaceship flying by earth and then text pops up saying we are in 1982 Antarctica.  A couple dudes in a helicopter start chasing and shooting at a dog.  Nothing weird there.  The helicopter lands at the American's base and the people in it (Norwegians) are still going mental.  One gets blown up accidentally by a grenade and the other shoots one of American’s while aiming for the dog.  Because he did that, the captain of the base shoots him.  No more Norwegians.
Kurt Russell (MacReady) is the base's pilot and he travels with the doctor to the Norwegians base in order to see what their deal is.  They find the place half burnt down and completely empty.  Well only empty for a little bit.  A frozen dead body is found and Mac goes deeper and finds a weird chunk of ice somewhere in the farthest room.  It looks like something broke out of it.

Mac and the doctor leave and bring back the charred remains of some weird looking mangled Norwegian, possibly even two people melted together.  Later that night, the Norwegian dog is put in the kennel with all the others and its face opens up.  It starts growing legs everywhere and shooting strings out at the other dogs.  The men hear it and are definitely disturbed by what they find.  After shooting the beast with multiple shotgun rounds, a guy named Childs hits it with the flame thrower. 

The scientist analyzes what the monster is and determined that it’s an organism that imitates other life forms meaning it kills them and then looks like them.  That sets off everyone thinking that the guy next to them could be a monster in disguise and the dude that handles the dogs is the first suspect.  They watch some videos that they found at the Norwegian base.  Looks like the Norwegians found something under the ice so Mac heads out to check on where they were working.  The of course find a spaceship that’s been buried for at least 100,000 years.

After an alien discussion the group disperses.  The scientist runs some analysis and finds out that the probability of at least one person being killed and replaced by an alien is at 75%.  If the intruder organism reaches civilization it would take 27,000 hours for the entire human population the be wiped out.  One of the Americans dies and now anyone who isn’t with the group is suspected of being an alien.  The scientist goes completely mental, smashing all of the computers and helicopter while taking a few shots at anyone living so the aliens can’t make it off the base.

Serious finger pointing and freak outs continue while the men try to come up with a way to test if they’re human or not.  Another guy dies and they begin to think that Mac is one of them.  After a stand-off one of my favorite deaths occur.  The doctor is giving CPR to a dead guy and then hits him with a defibrillator.  After he yells clear, the dead guys stomach opens up and a giant set of teeth appear, biting off the docs hands.  A head with arms then jumps out of stomach and walks away but eventually gets torched.


There’s seven people left but Mac kills one of them who tries to come at him with a scalpel.  Finally they come up with a test.  Mac figures out that each cell of the thing is alive and can feel pain so he takes blood from everyone and pokes it with a flaming hot piece of metal.  If they are the thing, their blood should have a reaction.  The first three are negative but the fourths blood pops out of the Petri dish.  The alien then opens up its head into a giant mouth and bites the head off another guy.  Down to four now I think and they all passed the test.  No more aliens right?  I forgot about the scientist who smashed everything up.  They go to give him the test and he’s disappeared.  They find an underground tunnel and see that he’s been making a spaceship.  Looks like I was a little early on that no aliens call.

All of the base’s power gets cut and they realize that they are going to freeze.  Their strategy changes from survival to let’s not let the alien get out alive.  They blow up the spaceship and pretty much the rest of the base with it.  The alien gets one of them by sticking its hand inside the guys face and spreading it out under his skin.  It then gets another one.  The only people left are MacReady and Childs.  The giant alien pops out at Mac and he blows it and everything else up in a huge blast.  Mac settles down in the snow and Childs shows up.  Together they show up and are still not 100% sure if either is an alien.  Childs asks “so what do we do now?” and Mac answers “Why don’t we just wait here a little while…see what happens…”  Such a good last line.  The end.


FAVORITE SCENE:  The last scene is great, the blood testing scene is great but my favorite is the stomach jaws doctor death scene.
FAVORITE LINES : Already said the ending and I’ll add “ You’re gonna have to sleep some time MacReady.  I’m a real light sleeper Childs”

PRETENTIOUS RATING : “Because this material has been done before, and better, especially in the original The Thing and Alien, there's no need to see this version.” Roger Ebert.  This is the same guy who thinks that Tommy Boy, Scrooged and Kick Ass are not only bad movies, but the worst ever made.  You suck.

RATING : 10 Baby Ruth’s.  I’m sticking with Baby Ruth’s because they are my favorite.  This movie probably isn’t perfect for a lot of people but it is for me.  The special effects are amazing for 1982 and there isn’t any crappy CGI.  The music is brooding and ominous.  It’s a movie that features no women so getting a good action movie lead like Kurt Russell is great (Nick Nolte was the first choice for the role).  It’s paced well, the sets look great and Ebert still sucks.

ALTERNATE ENDING : SPOILS.  Saw that they made an alternate ending in which MacReady is rescued and they test his blood.  He is a human and Child’s dies.  I don’t like that.  Needs to have a bleak and mysterious ending for a dark movie.

WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER : Flown a plane instead of a helicopter.  I also probably would’ve been more trusting which could be a downfall.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL : A Yeti walks by and the Alien imitates it.  After spending a few weeks as a Yeti, it decides that life is a lot cooler and forgets all about humans.  Cooler.
 I wonder what he was writing about
 Millennium Falcon?
 Hanging around aliens changes people......
 Blood test Kurt Russell style
 Not where I left that
 If you're stuck in a room with an alien, it's important not to lose you head..... I can't stop
 Sometimes do you ever get the feeling that you just want to burn this mother down?


Movie #78 The Thing From Another World

The Thing from Another World (1951)

I just watched The Thing from 1982 which is my favorite horror movie but a number of people have talked about the original being really good as well.  I guess that I’ll have to be the judge of that.  Onto The Thing (From Another World).

Instantly you see that the first difference is that this movie takes place in Alaska and the North Pole while the remake is in Antarctica.  We see the Captain at an Air Force base is sent to investigate something in the North Pole with a team one night.  They get to a research base up there full of scientists who have found something in the ice.  The Air Force seems to think that it’s a plane crash.  They get out there and find a perfectly round hole in the ice.  One guy says “We’ve finally found a flying saucer!” 

They attempt to free the thing from the ice with explosives but manage to blow the ship up.  Real nice.  They do find what looks like a man frozen in the ice so they carve out the chunk with him in it and fly back to the base.  The Captain can’t get messages in to his superiors because the radio is down and there are a lot of opinions on what should be done with the alien.  They decide to do nothing and keep watch as it stays in the ice.  Eventually it thaws out and the guard gives it a couple shots but it gets away.  They manage to get the alien’s arm off and after some investigation they determine that its flesh is very similar to a vegetable and their bullets won’t do much good. 

53 minutes in and only dogs have died so far.  56 minutes in and two guys are dead.  Looks like a new paragraph is all the movie needed to pick up.  A scientist discovers that the thing can use blood to grow back lost limbs and also reproduce.  The one woman helps them figure out that fire is the way to kill it but the thing cuts off the heater meaning they are running out of time to stay alive.  They set up a trap for the monster which becomes their last stand.  The trap works and they fry the thing.  Fin.

FAVORITE SCENE: When they blew up the ship.  That made me laugh.  The scientist growing the plants was cool too.

FAVORITE LINES: “Watch the skies, everywhere!  Keep looking.  Keep watching the skies!

PRENTITIOUS REVIEW: “The resourcefulness shown in building the plot groundwork is lacking as the yarn gets into full swing.  Cast members, headed by Margaret Sheridan and Kenneth Tobey, fail to communicate any real terror.”  The Vanity Fair Staff.  Really?  It took a whole team to come up with that.

RATING : 6 vegan lollypops.  Want to know what I hate the most about that review?  The fact that I totally agree with it.  The story and first half of the movie I was totally in to.  When it came time for the thriller part of the movie, I was never sucked in.  I mean right before the big last stand at the end of the movie, the characters are cracking jokes.  There weren’t jokes being told in the remake.  Instead people were yelling at each other in a panic as any of us would.  The scientist who wanted to preserve the thing did the best job acting I thought.  Let’s talk about the thing.  It was a giant blood reproducing carrot.  It kept being billed as being way smarter than humans but walked incredibly slowly into a trap.  While I think other Hawks movies like The Big Sleep and Rio Grande continue to be great, The Thing From Another World’s greatness doesn’t hold up.  Maybe in 1951 I would have been freaking out but in 2012 I was a little bored.  I just realized that’s 61 years.  I’m thinking about moving the rating up half a lollypop because it’s hard to expect a movie to stay scary for such a long time and to just like it as an action movie.  Bride of Frankenstein wasn’t scary but was a great horror movie.  It’s all very confusing,

ALTERNATE ENDING: The thing decides to be more of a bad ass like its brother in 1982 and actually scares and kills some people.  It kills everyone and humans  are forced to evolve into cheddar cauliflower. 

WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Because the thing was obviously not a serious threat (because no one acted that way) I would’ve spent more time trying to woo the one woman in the North Pole.

 They blew it up!
 This part actually was cool
 That's a wrap boys, we got em
AFI needs to update their list of 100 thrills

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Movie #77 [REC]3

[REC ]3 Genesis

Oh boy REC 3.  I’m excited.  The movie starts by a guy filming events of a wedding like an hour before it’s going to start.  The professional photographer tells him to film everything.  Oh I bet he will.  Everything is great until we see uncle Pepe has a bite on his hand from a dog in the clinic.  He thought the dog was dead but it just popped up and bit him.  Just saw the groom for the first time and he has some good teeth.  As for the bride, she would look a lot better with different bangs.

At the reception we spend a while meeting different family members which I’m sure will be zombies soon enough so it’s good to at least be able to yell “ON NO!  THEY GOT GRANDPA TOO”  The wife (Clara) says she has to tell the husband (Koldo) something (producer and I both think it involves a baby inside her).  There’s dancing and everyone is having a good time until Uncle Pepe starts puking blood and the cops with a hazmat team show up outside.  Then Pepe falls over a second story railing and lands on a table.  Party ruiner.  His wife comes over to help the foaming man and to thank her, Pepe bites off a chunk off her neck.  He just won’t stop giving because next he spits the skin and some additional fluids onto a woman who resembles a blue peacock.  Mayhem ensues.  People are jumping out from everywhere biting the lovely family.  And the credits role meaning that was some opening scene.  We are now with Koldo, the two cameramen, Clara’s little sister and another random guy who barricade themselves in the kitchen.  They chat a little about getting out while we hear continued sounds of screaming and demonic grunts.

The group leaves through an air vent but one of the cameramen can’t fit so he is left behind.  Aww sad.  Night vision in the pitch black vents time.  Once outside the reach the cops but they are currently unavailable to assist because the peacock is eating them.  The random guy gets inside the cop car to call for help but I swear he says “Yo quiero Taco Bell”.  The cop starts eating him so the remaining three find safety in what looks like a little medieval chapel.  Clara calls out to Koldo on a kind of intercom and says that she’s pregnant.  I knew it!  She is with a priest who says something along the lines of this is the time of Genesis when the bad angel are put into darkness and will be left there until judgment day (the fourth and last movie of the sequence is called REC apocalypse. 

Koldo and another guy put on suits of metal armor which they find in the chapel to help them rescue Clara.  While he door between her and the bad angel zombies is being busted down we hear a baby cry and she looks at her stomach.  Antichrist maybe?  The priest gives more information by saying it looks like the demon zombies are moving as one and taking orders from a single malign being.  She turns around the corner with another couple they found banging and see two women zombies trolling around.  There’s a mirror though and the women look like beaten old hags contrary to the regular appearance.  Let’s say they went from maybe a four and a five to a couple of negative 7’s.  They corner the priest but he says a prayer that seems to stun them. 

Koldo makes it to where Clara was but she has moved on and is looking for him.  There are going in circles looking for each other, I wish they were both running from death instead.  There’s a TV on and it’s playing the news  report from the first two movies.  It looks like instead of this being a prequel, its taking place at the same time as the others. 

Clara, the guy banging the chick and the children’s entertainer Sponge John (because of copyright infringement he couldn’t be SpongeBob) are the only ones left and make it outside in the rain.  She is almost eaten by her mom but Sponge John uses the gun to narrowly save her.  Then the Sponge dies because he’s wearing a giant foam suit that he wouldn’t take off.  His reasoning why was that there’s was nothing on underneath.  Clara and the dude go underground through some sort of trapdoor and he tells her Koldo’s probably dead.  She believes it for a second but then after hearing music thinks that he’s alive.  Also underground is a chainsaw which Clara picks up.   A woman holding a chainsaw?  Sounds way more dangerous than the demon zombies amiright fellas?  The first thing she does is a dramatic cutting of her dress.


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Koldo rekills Uncle Pepe by sticking some kind of handheld blender in his mouth.  Clara has a chainsaw fight in which she kills four people, including the freshly bit guy who was with her, and is now alone.  Also out of nowhere during the fight she learned karate and was giving zombies elbows and roundhouse kicks.  She and Koldo might be the only alive people left.  They find each other and after a tense moment involving a closed gate, a ladder, unnecessary stalling because of talking and the one malevolent being.  She gets up to him but they are surrounded very near death when someone, probably the priest, starts reading the bible (book of genesis) over the intercom and the all stand in place. 

Upon leaving the kitchen, the newlyweds see that it’s day time and their entire families are standing still, zombiefied.    They are making their way out of there very slowly and because of that Clara gets bit by an old man with a dead hearing aid.  She’s bit on her hand and asks Koldo to chop her arm off.  He obliges.  They’re so in love!  I think the baby has to be infected.  The two are about to make it out but see that they are quarantined and Clara starts spitting out blood, zombiefied.  She got her arm chopped off for nothing.  Or maybe not.  He picks her up and she doesn’t bite him.  Koldo walks out through the quarantined.  He’s ordered to put her down but decides to make out.  It’s at this moment that she turns full demon and rips his tongue out.  They each get shot with hundreds of bullets but still have the ability and knowhow to reach for and grab each other’s hand.  D’aww.


FAVORITE SCENE: Arm chopping.  My producer agrees.

FAVORITE LINES: It’s in Spanish so quotes are hard to find on the internet and I didn’t keep track as I went, sorry.

RATING: 5 “foaming zombie candies”.  Before I saw what I thought of the movie, read what a woman who reviews for the New York Times wrote
With slapstick smothering the scares, "[REC 3]" is further marred by a plot in which the muted Catholicism of its antecedents is turned up to full blast.”
If you talk like this, let’s never hang out.  It’s sentences like this one that ooze pretentiousness and just suck the fun out of life that make me want to like a movie just in spite of Jeannette Catsoulis.  More like Catsoulless.  Can’t you just say something like “[REC]3 was a little too campy and lacked the claustrophobic and deeper story lines of the first two.  Oh and there was too much loving.  I’ve always said what makes zombie movies the best isn’t the zombies or the circumstances, it’s the characters and how we would relate to them if we were stuck in that situation.  There was no character development and in the end I only cared a little bit about what happened to Clara because of the scene in the rain.  It’s definitely not because she only got wet.  In the first movie we had Angela and even Manu and in the second there was the Doc and the police team, all characters I felt for and wanted to make it.  It just felt like this movie was dumbed down for some  unknown region.  There isn’t really a change between the budget’s of two and three so who knows.  I’ve seen the first two three times now and will watch them multiple times again because I love them.  This one was just ok and maybe it will get another shot but that’s it.  Don’t make zombie movies where a romantic drama is the only plot!

ALTERNATE ENDING: Instead of holding hands they should get to knockin boots and consummate this thing amiright?  Or just got mental and bite more people.

WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Why walk out when you have a sword and can run out?  SPOILER * Clara will never get bit and I would still have my tongue.  I would’ve put on armor too but for this movie it looks incredibly cheesy.  We get it; he’s the hero.  You don’t need to dress him up in armor to show him off too!

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL: I really have no idea how they’ll wrap things up in the fourth.  All I know is Jesus better show up.

 Dumb choreographed wedding dance
 If you're running from zombies, is the kitchen the right place to hide?  They are looking for food you know.  Don't make it easy for them.
 I think she was eating people way before she got bit.

*Favorite horror movie coming up next*
P.S. I don’t care what language you speak, Koldo is a dumb name.

Movie #76 [REC]2

[REC]2 (2009)

[REC]2 starts just seconds after the end of the first so I’ll be doing the same.  The main characters this time are a four man SWAT team and a doctor that we’ve yet to meet.  The SWAT are gearing up and this time along with one member holding a camera we can also see each of their personal helmet cameras if the movie so chooses.  They arrive at the Apartment and get orders from the Doctor, Owen.  They walk into the building which lights are still off and see bloodstains but no bodies.

Let’s hold up a second.  How many times have you seen a horror sequel pick up exactly where the other one dropped off.  The first was great and just seeing them walk into the lobby where so much crazy stuff just happened in which they have no idea has gotten me really excited.  Owen instructs them that they have to reach the penthouse because that’s where everything started.  We still don’t know what went on at all but you get the feeling that Owen might.  They continue climbing up and passing more and more blood pools.  There should be about a dozen zombies running around there but the place is silent.  Suspense!

The team makes it into the penthouse and is taking pictures of all the weird stuff in there.  A few pictures of Jesus and Mary might be nice to look out but a whole room of them plastered on the walls is creepy.  The first thing I looked for was a sign of Angela but see’s not in the room.  They go around the corner and hear something in the attic.  If you don’t remember from the first one, that’s where the possessed girl came from.  Uh oh.  A member of the SWAT teams goes up and checks it out.  No pop out scare this time but they hear a shriek coming from the next room. 

For the second time now we switch to the helmet camera of Martos (one of the SWAT officers) who is checking an apartment for the source of the shrieks.  Once inside he hears music coming from a record player.  Someone had to turn it on.  He gets attacked by a zombie and by the time the rest of the team gets there to help him, he has already turned into one and jumps at the chief.  Owen shows up and says a prayer which stuns the zombie while they push him in a room and seal the door with a rosary hanging off of it.  What just happened?  The chief freaks out and wants to cheese it out of there but Owen says no one can leave before he gives the order over his radio which has voice recognition.  He does however agree to tell them what is going on if they go back upstairs to the penthouse.

Owen tells a grand story.  The Vatican saw that this girl was really possessed and set her up with the guy who owned the penthouse so he could examine her and see what the physical effects of possession were.  He tried to find out if there was a chemical gene or something in her that he could isolate and find an antidote for the possession.  Owen then reveals that he isn’t with the Ministry of Health but is really a priest himself.  Then the big line hits.  One of the incensed SWAT officers says than what is the building infested with and Owen answers “Possessed people”.  That’s right.  Not just zombies, DEMONIC ZOMBIES!  Maybe it’s not too much of a twist with all the possessed stuff on the walls but I was pretty shocked.  And completely stoked!  The SWAT people don’t really believe him but still want to get out of there.  Owen tells them that all they have to do is find a blood sample from the original possessed girl which should be somewhere in there and they can leave.

Deeper into the penthouse they travel.  There are no windows in there and they eventually travel through what might be the creepiest hallway I’ve ever seen.  What’s weird is that the hallway is a dead end but there are files on the wall of like 8 different children that were experimented on.  One of them pops down from the ceiling which is the first good pop out scare of the movie.  You might be wondering how a possessed child popped down from a ceiling, it’s because he walked up there.  The attic is once again providing excitement with demon children running around and the long dead body of the priest who was doing the experiments.  They also find the blood up there and while checking if it’s the real deal, it ignites on fire once touched by a cross causing the SWAT chief to drop it.  Owen won’t let anyone leave until he gets his blood so they continue elsewhere in the building.

The team leaves the penthouse only to see four people a few floors below, one of whom is instantly killed because they thought he was a zombie.  The SWAT team gets swarmed on the stairs by all of the zombies from the first movie but manage to barricade themselves in a room although one of them is split up from the group.  We get to watch from his helmet cam as he gets surrounded and trapped inside a bathroom.  Before becoming possessed he puts his gun in his head and eats a bullet.  Down to two SWAT officers and Owen.

There is a side story in the movie that I think brings it down.  We leave the team inside to three teenagers with a camera who decide to break into the building with a firefighter (who wants to see the firemen from the first movie) and a dad of the little girl from the first movie(he is the guy who gets killed).  I don’t like any of them, especially the guy who starts crying when he wants to go home.  They let out Martos and kill him but the girl accidently shoots the firefighter in the head first.  Whoops.  Owen gets pissed at them because he thinks killing Martos was his last chance to getting a demon to talk and reveal where the original girl is so he can get her blood because they are fresh out of useable zombies.  That is until he sees that the crying, drooling baby is bit.  He turns zombie and they are struggling with him and a dying camera battery until whom else but Angela comes walking in totally fine and carrying her camera.  Yes!  Maybe not totally fine, she is a little dirty and worked up.

Here comes the second cool little twist of the movie.  They get the zombie boy tied up and Owen starts grilling him about where the girl is.  He says “High above” and then “The light blinds you” and finally “The light doesn’t let you see the path”.  Owen says that the angels who lost their dignity and abandoned their homes were kept in the dark by God until their judgment day.  Basically she is in a “prison of darkness” in the penthouse.  There has to be no light to see her and that’s why they didn’t find anything while they were up there in the beginning of the movie.  If you remember from the first movie, the only time you saw the girl was through night vision in total darkness.

The remaining four people (two SWAT officers, Angela and Owen) head back up to the penthouse for the final scene.  They go back to the dead in hallway, turn off the lights and see that a door is there now in the night vision.  Pretty awesome.  They grow through the door, turn the lights back on and find themselves in a super creepy laboratory but still no girl.  Owen says turn off the light and look for something that’s different.  The SWAT guy does and finds a big well in the middle of the room that they can’t see if there’s light.  The chief reaches in and an arm grabs and pulls him in.  The camera guy turns on the light to look for him but he and the well are gone.  By the time he can get them back into darkness, the well water has settled and the chief is gone.   Down to three. 

The camera guy gets turned around and there is the creepy girl again, beating him down with her hammer.  The camera is dropped but then picked up.  They try out the Jurassic Park T-Rex don’t move or make any noise and she won’t find you technique and it works pretty well until Owen’s radio goes off and he attacks.  Angela manages to get her off him and shoots her head off.  She then orders him to say that they’re done on the radio because only he can and they’ll leave.  He refuses to leave before the mission is done so she attacks him.  She shoots and kills the cameraman, gets on top of a severely bleeding Owen, gives a kind of cheesy evil laugh, crushes his skull into the ground and finally tells the people on the radio in Owen’s voice that the mission is complete.  He won’t be leaving because he’s infected but there was one female survivor.  The voice asks how she survived and we see an extended version of the first movies ending.  She is dragged into the darkness and the possessed girl holds open her mouth and transmits like an 18 inch looking slug into her mouth, possessing her.  Totally disgusting.  Seconds after that we hear the SWAT team break into the penthouse at the beginning of the movie.  So that’s how it happened.  The End.


FAVORITE SCENE: The ending in the darkness because I thought that whole concept was really cool.

FAVORITE LINES: Movie’s in Spanish and quotes are hard to find

LAME PRETENTIOUS REVIEW: New feature.  I like hearing why people disliked a movie that I thought was perfectly fine.  “A mediocre third-generation copy of an idea that wasn’t very new to begin with, and the addition of a supposedly rational explanation to the mix provides more of a hindrance than help” Frank Swietek. 
Oh great call Frank.  I forgot that every zombie movie needs to have a rational explanation because zombies themselves are such a rational and prototypical subject.  You know what else?  Your face is convoluted!

RATING: 8 3 Musketeers.  This movie was way more out there than the first and I for one am a fan of movies with a new twist on things.  The style was also a little different and I can see a lot of similarities with the Alien series.  [REC] and Alien were both claustrophobic movies in which the main characters were just trying to escape from their pursuers.  [REC]2 and Aliens were both more action orientated in which there was a mission to carry out and in the end they just wanted to get the hell out of there.  There was 15 minutes wasted in the middle of the film with the kids and that does end up being almost a quarter of the movie so that’s why the rating has dropped a little.  I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

ALTERNATE ENDING: Doesn’t involve a gross bug. 

WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: Owen did everything right but his prayers weren’t directed to the right person.  I would have asked dear baby Jesus for what I needed and everything would’ve been fine.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL: [REC]3 is the next movie that I’m doing but I heard that it’s more of a prequel.  I don’t know what happens in the next movie.  Could we actually get an end of days?

 Owen and the SWAT team hanging out
 Zombie fight!
 A look through helmet cam
 Another stairs shot
 Cry baby being possessed
 Need more Angela
Seeing things in the dark!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Movie # 75 [REC]

[REC] (2007)

Remember when I said Cabin in the Woods was the best made horror movie since [REC].  This is the same [REC] I was talking about.  It’s just like my opinion man, but I’m a big fan.  [REC] gets its name because we see the whole thing a camcorder as a cameraman walks around holding it.  That sounds stupid and how every movie is made but it’s in the same found footage style as say The Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield.  Unlike the other two that are just home movies, this one is a little more professionally shot as the plot is a woman and the guy filming her are making a documentary or something so it isn’t as shaky as most of the other movies in its genre.

The main character is a babe named Angela who was in my top 5 for a long time.  She is at a firehouse making a TV show report on the day to day life of firefighters there.  That night the alarm gets off and everyone, including Angela, heads out on the truck.  Apparently something happened to an elderly woman and they were called in.  They with two cops who were already there busts in to the woman’s room and she’s covered in blood.  The woman freaks out and then bites the crap out of one of the cops.  They rush to take him downstairs but police have locked them inside and won’t let anyone out.  They are now being quarantined by the health department.  That’s not good.

This causes the people to become flustered and a pretty worked out but they have a whole let’s calm down and get a hold of ourselves.  Right after they do that, one of the firefighters slams to the ground from a couple floors up.  Amazing.  I just looked at some facts about the movie and the guy falling wasn't in any of the actors scripts so all of their shock is real.  That makes acting easy.  Also the script was never fully revealed to the actors so they all wouldn't know what was happening until the day of the shoot a lot of the time.  That's pretty clever to keep them looking nervous.  Back to the movie, the old woman bites another woman so the cop shoots her a few times.  Police outside say again they can’t leave because it’s a BNC situation.  That means biological, nuclear or chemical threat.

There’s more unrest among the apartment building dwellers and we get to meet all of them through separate interviews which is a smart and easy way to have everyone introduced to us.  Eventually a doctor in a hazmat suit walks in to get blood samples from everyone.  He goes with the cop into a room where the bodies are.  The camera peaks in and sees the doctor handcuffing one of the bit people to the table which can’t be good.  Before the second guy can get cuffed he goes zombie and bites the building manager.  The doc gets out and says the infection is transferred through saliva and your blood type is what determines the time in which it takes for you to be infected.  They pressure him to tell them what’s going on and he gives them a whole story.  The day before there was a report from a vet about a dog with an unknown disease being brought in and going into a coma(acoma).  When the dog came to he was super aggressive and started attacking all of the other pets.  They were able to put the dog to sleep but they were able to track it to the apartment building through some chip in its ear.

The dog belongs to the woman and her little girl who is sick.  When they all find out about whom the dog owner they look at the two of them and the little girl spits blood all over the moms face.  Again, never a good thing.  The girl goes crazy and runs upstairs.  The cop and firefighter go after the girl, stopping by the first elderly ladies room and she isn’t lying dead on the floor anymore meaning we’re about to see her do some biting.  I know that you are already fully aware of this but in horror movies, little girls are creepy.  They find her and she makes some awful noises and bites the last cop.  As Manu (the firefighter) and the cameraman make their escape the elderly woman pops out and Manu pops her with a sledgehammer.  Downstairs the bitten building manager is going wild and breaking into the safe lobby where everyone is.  The movie is fully on!

They handcuffed the mom to the stairs but can’t get her out because the now bitten cop has the key meaning became an easy meal for the building manager and the other escapees.  Somewhere in the middle of all of that the doctor got bit too.  Not many people left now.  The doctor bites another guy and I’m going to say that the only people left are Angela, Manu and the camera guy.  Everyone else has turned and is after them.  The lights are cut off and when the camera dude uses his there is of course a zombie waiting in the corner.  The three amigos (because their Spanish) continue to make their way upstairs because the building manager has the key to get out the secret underground passageway.  They find the key and there is a sweet shot where they look down four flights of stairs and see zombies on every level.

Because of that last sentence, going down isn’t an option anymore.  They head to the top floor and go into the penthouse.  Manu is bitten so we’re now down to just the camera team which is locked into the pitch black room.  Pablo gets the camera light working and Angela is shown fully in her dirty white tank top just like the lady in the tunnel.  The penthouse looks like a laboratory full of medical equipment and newspaper articles about possessed girl from Portugal.  The war has been over for 200 years Spain, get over yourselves.  You couldn’t invade and take over or country now and a new smear campaign in the 21st century will not be tolerated.  Of  course they would make the possessed girl from Portugal.

They keep hearing noises from somewhere and stumble across a tape recorder saying he was doing experiments but things went badly and he has to exterminate her.  Instead, according to the tape, he just sealed her in the room.  Suddenly the attic door swings open which caused me to jump even though I knew it was coming.  The camera guy takes a peak up there and doesn’t see anything at first until a little zombie boys hits the camera and broke the light.  Back to pitch black and the two of the screaming/cursing.  Night vision is popped on and we see some tall and extremely skinny figure trolling around carrying a hammer.  They hide in a corner and we get a better look at the  zombie which has to be the possessed girl.  They make noises and it swings the hammer around wildly.  The camera guy takes a major beating and drops the camera, dead.  Angela stumbles around and picks up the camera.  The girl chases her which causes Angela to drop the camera right in front of her prone body.  The lens is right in front of her face, we hear a child screaming and Angela is dragged into the darkness by her feet.  YES!


FAVORITE SCENE: The last 20 minutes were ridiculously suspenseful (the way found footage movies should be) but my favorite will always be the look down the stairs and see everyone is a zombie shot.  Hopefully I’ll find a picture.

MEMORABLE LINES: “What at ruckus”.  I hope a day will come where there will be a little mayhem and I’ll have the wherewithal to say that line.

RATING: I’m giving it a 10 Baby Ruth’s.  This might be my first 10.  I’ve seen so many horror movies that I can’t really get scared any more.  Sure there are pop out scares in other films but those don’t last.  This is a legitimate horror movie.  There’s zombies, something else fishy going on, trapped in a tight setting, strong enough lead character, attractive cinematography and good pacing.  All done on a budget of 1 million Euros.  In contrast, it cost studios 37.5 million to get Adam Sandler in Anger Management.  Movie’s don’t have to be about big budgets Hollywood.

ALTERNATE ENDING: Angela makes it to the roof and gets shot for escaping.  Pretty bleak

WHAT WOULD I DO IF I WAS THE MAIN CHARACTER: As soon as you realize people are coming back from the dead, they need to be re-killed.  If I saw that elderly woman get shot that many times and still attack people in the beginning, I’m going to have to put my foot down.  If you get bit, you get put down.  Let’s limit the damage people.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL: You’ll find out what happens in both when I wake up and post them later today.

 Angela (heart-eyes emoticon)
 There are so many different looking people that I'd rather have running at me
 Guy who fell.  That's probably blood
 Lady chained up.  Now she can't do the worm.
 Someone needs to shoot that girl about the face stat!
 Pretty close to the stairs shot
Night vision Angela!

Skip the remake Quarantine and just watch this series.