Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Movie #32 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)

Howdy Denmark! I think you still have queens and princes and stuff. That's pretty cool. Alrighty then, Scott Pilgrim. I've actually read these six comic books or whatever you want to call them so you can go ahead and consider me knowledgeable on all things pilgrim. That is what makes this movie a major disappointment. I could have loved it but alas.

Changing up the game a little. Let's start with things I liked about the movie. First is the style. There are times, especially in the fight scenes, that this movie actually looks like a comic book or a video game. Any nerd can appreciate that. The fight scenes are pretty entertaining too for not being the driving aspect of the film. Some of the bad guys are pretty solid like Schwartzman and Evans. I may or may not have a top 5 five hot actress list in my head and the girl who plays Ramona is my number 5. Don't pretend like I'm the only one who has thought about this and I'm super creepy! Maybe you don't have rankings but you know who you go to ladies or dudes are. Mary Elizabeth Winstead happens to be my 5 and I'll watch things that don't deserved to be seen if she's in it. That is why I'll be doing The Thing remake pretty soon. The 80's Thing is probably my favorite movie and I'm sure the new one will ruin it but hey, I'm weak.

What makes this movie just meh? Mostly Michael Cera. He is not Scott Pilgrim and never should have been. Is he still funny anymore? Arrested Development ended 6 years ago and Superbad was in 2007. Ever since then it's been mediocrity and he just isn't a leading guy. Some of the bad guys were good and some were really bad. The first one was embarrassingly bad and the guy who played Superman and the girl who played Ann(her?) stunk it up too.

Plot time. Like I said, the comic books are entertaining and I didn't care for the movie. These observations are from the second time I watched it because maybe it needed a second chance. I really wanted to like it. Scott Pilgrim is basically a loser with no job and little money. He is the bassist in his band Sex Bob-Omb. I think he's like 22 and the first thing he does is get in a relationship with a 17 year old Asian Canadian named Knives Chau. The little text bubbles that keep popping up like a comic are fun and the kid from Home Alone's brother walks onto the screen as Scott's gay roommate. I forgot to add him into the things I liked part but he played his role well. Aubrey Plaza shows up and invites Scott to a party. That's where he will meet Ramona Flowers (#5) and the plot will thicken.

Somehow a dude looking goofy as Cera gets her to agree to “hang out” and the night ends in a make out. Frustrating. There is no way that a woman could have come up with this so the casting was clearly done by a guy. The two of them start dating but Scott hasn't broken up with Knives which is a bit of a problem. Wow, that is the most soap opera looking sentence that I've ever formulated. I didn't think this was a chick flick and it probably isn't but this paragraph is not helping that argument at all.

Scott's band plays a gig the next night and some guy jets in, challenging him to a fight. The guy says that he is the first of Ramona's evil seven exes and he has to defeat all of them in order to date her. He kind of floats and sings and then gets killed. It's awful. Then Scott finally dumps Knives. My first laugh also finally happens when Scott doesn't know that bread can make you fat. The rest of the movie is Scott knocking off the rest of the seven and of course things go bad between him and Ramona and he has to fight to get her back in the end. We've seen it before, just not as cool looking as this.

Favorite Scene : I liked the second and last fights the best.

Memorable Lines : There are some pretty bad lines in here. Better just to forget.

Rating : 5.5 War Heads. Am I bitter that I got called Scott Pilgrim a lot at bars when this movie came out because people thought I looked like Cera? Probably. Movie could have been an 8 on my likeness scale but in the end, is just a disappointment.

Alternate Ending : The way I want the movie to end is Ramona gives Cera a beating and then skates off while looking great. It's my blog so I get what I want.

What I would have done if I was the main character : Stay away from high school girls while a college senior. You have to be a mondo loser to be pulling that jus sayin. Just wait a year.

What happens in the sequel : I know I was harsh and you probably could really enjoy this but I had high expectations. It was too hard to cram six books into two hours. They start from scratch and make a trilogy. Literally anyone else can play Scott, I don't care who it is. Get Samuel L. Jackson for all I care, it would still be better.
I think this is fight 1
 Fight 5ish
 Ramona's goofy hair holding her back, still 5
 ex 2
Scott gets an extra life
This is the way that it has to be.

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