Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Movie #22 Fanboys

Fanboys (2009)

This is the third time that I have written this review.  Because my laptop, Tobisha, sucks I’m in a computer lab typing this out.  On spring break.  The movie isn’t even that great.  All of these things factors into how little effort this post is going to get.  Paranormal Activity 3 will be done later tonight (if Tobisha decides to get her partitions in order) and it will be a real post.  Now here are my few, brief thoughts about Fanboys.
I don’t know what it is about the guy who plays Hutch, but I just don’t think he is very funny.  I’ve seen him in a few movies now and it’s just a bummer because he has that fat funny guy/goofy hair body but he’s just not bringing laughs.
I don’t like the guy who plays Eric’s face.  It irks me.  Same can be said about the other guy who plays Linus.  See how frustrated this laptop crisis has me?
Kristen Bell is a babe
Jay Baruchel is funny but is definitely stuck playing a nerd in every movie he will ever be in.  It’s still funny for now.
Those are all the main characters.  The plot is basically that Linus has cancer and only four months to live.  These guys are all Star Wars megafans and The Phantom Menace comes out in theaters in six month.  Linus isn’t going to make it so they go on a cross-country road trip to break into George Lucas’ place and watch the movie before it comes out.  Along the way they meet people like Seth Rogan twice, Danny Trejo, Billy Dee Williams, Shatner, Princess Leia, Kevin Smith, Will Forte and Craig Robinson each for basically small scenes. The guy who played Darth Maul is the head security guard at the Lucas Ranch.  Does that make me a nerd for knowing what the guy looked like without his make-up on?  I only knew what he looks like because he also played Toad in the X-Men movie.  Does that help or hurt my last question?
 All I am giving this movie is a rating and it’s 5 Good & Plenty’s.  Movie isn’t super funny but at least it doesn’t get boring except for a little in the beginning.  Average.

Leaving the lab for good (for now)

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