Saturday, March 3, 2012

Movie #20 Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)

Before jumping in, there are some things that you should know. First off, welcome to the blog Philippines! Possibly welcome to the blog The Philippines. Not entirely sure on the The. Also a bonjour to you France. Well over 1,100 views and I'm still looking at you Mexico, come on. I will be updating the February Review in the near future so keep checking that. Many thanks. Oui?

Now Iron Man. I hope by reading all of these you are getting to know me better. Let's go deeper. I love me some comic books. This whole movie thing has put a cramp in my reading time so you will get a bunch of posts about super hero movies. They'll probably be overly criticized too. But not Iron Man because it's actually not bad. Pretty much everyone has seen this so I'm not going to get super deep in the plot review, Hangover style.

Tony Stark is a gazillionaire inventor who loves women, drinking and himself. He's an alcoholic but the movie doesn't really get into any of that. One day he is out trying to sell some missiles to the army and gets captured by terrorists. They force him to build his missiles for them but he builds the Iron Man suit instead. After killing most of them he returns back to his home and builds an improved suit. He likes to use witty sarcasm.

The Big Lebowski runs his business operations. He ends up being not a good dude. Makes a big suit of his own but in the big fight at the end loses. Because he can't win right? Movie ends with Stark saying I am Iron Man.


Favorite Scene : Pepper walks in on Stark having the suit taken off him and says something like you've seen me doing worse. I laughed

Memorable Lines : “I'm sorry this is the Fun-Vee. The Hum-Drum-Vee is back there”

Rating : 7 Gobstoppers. This is definitely better than the second one that came out. I always like the stories about the superheroes origins more anyway. Thought the acting was good for a movie about a guy in a robot.

Alternate Ending: That blue radiation thing melts Tony's brain so the suit takes over. Kind of like what happens to Doctor Octopus in Spiderman 2. I feel kind of ridiculous typing the words Doctor Octopus while trying to make a serious point.

What I would do if I was the Main Character : Spend all day wrecking stuff in demolition derby's or out in the desert. Also use the helmet for prank calls. Can you imagine that?

What Happens in the Sequel (third): Iron Man vs Transformers on Mars. Such a bad idea that I could see Michael Bay actually making that movie. If they don't think it's enough than vs Giant Octopus too.

That last one is kind of hot right?

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