Friday, February 10, 2012

Movie #5 The Invention of Dr. Nakamats

The Invention of Dr. Nakamats

I picked the movie solely on the cover. Documentaries are supposed to be interesting and what is weirder and more interesting than something Japanese? Dr. Nakamats (as he calls himself and talks in third person most of the movie) is considered by many as the greatest living inventor. He is most famous for inventing the floppy disk in the 50's. The movie starts with Nakamats giving a tour of his place. Everything has his name in it. There's the Nakamats Library, Nakamats street, Nakamats innovation center and others. He says that most inventors build things for money, but he invents for love. He certainly does love himself.

The first thing that you will notice about this movie is the music. It's super upbeat and happy. I don't want to say a lot because the whole point of docs to me is learning for yourself, I don't want to spoil anything. I will say that his ultimate goal is prolonging life. He expects that he will live to be 144 years old. He does keep in great shape and there is a good chance he might be able to take me down at 80 years old so I believe him. The rest of the movie is just a camera crew following him and watching how he lives. Nakamats is one of those guys who is both a crazy and a genius. Movie ends on his 80th birthday party where he unveils his latest invention, a bra (told you, Japanese).

Best Scene : tie between the pool scene because of just how interesting it was and his speech after winning the Nobel prize because of how awesome it was.

Favorite Quotes : Can't find any online and didn't write anything down while watching, sorry. The one in the picture isn't bad. It's all in broken English anyway.

Rating : 6.5 Jolly Ranchers. I just felt happy the whole time watching it. It's super interesting, made me laugh a few times, and is shot pretty nicely too. If you like docs but don't have the energy to get invested in a really emotional one, I'd definitely watch this.

Alternate Ending : The hotel chills out and names the room the Nakamats Room. Instead of inventing a bra, he invents a new form of soldier. One made of metal. It was created in a wing of his innovation center called Skynet. Everyone starts freaking out because they think he just made the terminator real. We all saw what happened with Godzilla, the poor Japanese. Anyway, a naked Schwarzenegger walks into the room. Everyone starts screaming and running for the doors. But then they stop and laugh. Arnold is wearing the new bra. Nakamats really did invent it. It's the Shyamalan ending.

What I would do if I was the main character : First thing that came to mind was create a cure for migraines. Second would be not to act so weird to my kids. Then I would get a pair of board shorts to wear in the pool. After that I don't know, hang out maybe. We have different philosophies on life. He chooses to be healthy and treat his body as best as he can to prolong life. I choose to live fat, die young. So who knows.

What would happen in the sequel : Dark side wants to say he dies. Not because I want him to die for irony or anything like that, he is an awesome dude, it just seems like the most likely thing that will happen. He's old. Happy side of me wants to see a movie just full of his inventions for old people. He would create things like scooters with cup holders, an odorless replacement for moth balls and sweaters for holidays other than Christmas and Halloween. I don't know, I'm not an inventor.


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