Friday, February 24, 2012

Movie #14 The Fighter

The Fighter

I love me some Wahlberg and in the end, who doesn’t.  The Fighter, like Warrior is a story about two brothers that beat people up for a living.  I would say that the main difference between them is that in this movie only one of them is screw up, and that is Dickey (Christian Bale).  Dickey says a lot of things in the first two minutes of the movie, a lot of which I don’t understand.  He is a British guy talking in a deep Boston accent.  When he talks slow it’s easy to pick it up, not so much when he gets on a roll.

Dickey and Micky (Wahlberg) are heading down to the gym to train up for Micky for his next fight.  We get to the gym and Micky is getting ready while Dickey, his trainer is nowhere to be found.  Movie jumps to Dickey reenacting his famous fight with Sugar Ray Leonard where he didn’t win but did knock him down.  Dickey seems to be the one knocked down now though because he is smoking crack of liter bottle pipes.  He shows up eventually and later that night they go out to a bar.  The two brothers have like six sister and not a one of them is nice to look at.  The bartender Charlene(Amy Adams) is looking mighty fine in this and Micky seems to have noticed.  He asks her out, she gives him her number.  Score.

It’s now time to head out to the fight.  They get a limo to head to the airport but once again, Dickey is M.I.A.  They stop by the crack house and he tries to run by jumping out the second story window onto a bunch of trash bags.  Pretty funny but it seems that Micky knows it’s his escape route and is already there waiting for him.  Everyone tells Dickey how let down they are and go to the fight.  While getting ready the fight director tells Micky that the dude he was supposed to fight got the flu and someone 20 lbs heavier is going to take his place.  That’s a big deal if you know fighting.  Micky gets his whopping.

Because Micky is from a small town, when he gets home everybody knows him.  They all also know he got beat up.  Micky gets embarrassed to the point where he doesn’t even call and take out Charlene, who I mentioned before, is looking good in this movie.  She shows up at his place eventually and they go to a foreign movie and make fun of the subtitles.  Maybe get some class and then you can appreciate it.  Their night ends in some making out, which is the only thing I bet you care about. You're savages too.

Just kidding. Did I mention before that Micky had a butt(but) load of sisters? Now that Charlene is the most important girl Micky, they get all jealous and want her out of the picture(movie). Classic girl move and their mom is worse than they are. Things take a dramatic turn for the worst. You see the Asian chick who is probably Dickey's girlfriend working a street corner. A car slows down and buys what she is selling, which is herself. A car with cop lights pulls up behind and yanks the guy out of the car. It turns out to be Dickey who robs the guy. Pretty cool plan, not that I'd ever try it. Right after Dickey takes the guys wallet a real cop shows up and takes after Dickey who has officially cheesed it from the scene of the crime. He gets caught at about the same time Micky hears about it. Wahlberg runs up to all of the commotion and tries to get the cops to take it easy on Dickey who has just assaulted them. This results in Micky getting his hand worked with a nightstick. Attica! Following the arrest Dickey gets sent to jail because it was his 28th crime.

There is a movie being made about Dickey through the whole film. I probably should've mentioned it. He thinks it's all about his comeback but is really about his drug abuse. The whole family see's it including Micky's little daughter because his evil ex-wife makes her and tears fall everywhere. Charlene comes over to give Micky some “comforting”. Micky meets this one guy who says he can give him one last chance at making it big as a fighter. Maybe he can even be the fighter. The only catch is that he becomes his manager replacing his mother and Dickey isn't allowed near him. Ends up that both those things are for his own good and now it's time for the sports training/practice montage. Were gonna need a montage!

This next paragraph is all about things girls do that I consider to be either “hot” or “not hot”. The first is look like Amy Adams=hot. Amy Adams scene where she may or may not be in see thru clothing=hot. Girls with dirty mouths=not hot. Amy Adams with a dirty mouth=I'll allow it(breaking the rules). Girls physically fighting=never hot. Amy Adams fighting=still not hot. Some dudes like it with their foxy boxing and Hillary Swonk million dollar babies but not this guy. Maybe it's the violence I'm not into. Oh ya Micky and Charlene get together then the mom and sisters attack Charlene. That's what I'm getting at.

Time for that last run and that means montage. When you have a bunch a fights before a big last one you're gonna need a montage. Before a big fight Micky visits Dickey in jail who busts his chops over is strategy for the next fight. Micky ends up using what Dickey says and it helps him get the win and a fight against the current champ. I think the guy Micky beat might have taken a dive too because he sure went down easy.

Dickey gets released from prison and no one working with Micky is stoked. Micky says he can't work with Dickey anymore who gets insulted. Charlene and Micky's dad who had been training him walk out because Dickey is working with him. Dickey chases down Charlene and asks for her to come back for Micky's sake and everyone is finally on the same team. Now it's just time for the championship fight.

He fights a guy with very dark nipples for a Brit and wins. I know that sounds weird but that is how I saw it. He becomes the fighter.

Favorite scene : During the fight between Charlene and all the sister's you see Micky's step dad drive up to the house and then quickly back up and drive away. Smart and funny.

Memorable Quotes : I remember two
Not you, not you and not you” just yell it, you'll have fun
Gotta take it to the bady(body)”in Bale's thick accent
Rating : 7.5 banana runts. I don't think there is any way to not at least enjoy The Fighter. It's not amazing but it's a good enough story that is well acted and told.

Instead of the extra features this time you get something different, mostly because it's late and I'm tired. Like most Mark Wahlberg movies, there are scene's where his shirt is off in The Fighter. I just read somewhere that he has a third nipple. I didn't look for it but if it's true, it would be great movie trivia to know. So all I'm saying is maybe head to Google and do a little image search for Wahlberg third nipple and see for yourself. This might be one of those searches to leave the safe search on. Jus Sayin.

You, You and You!

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