Friday, February 17, 2012

Movie #11 Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Dr Horrible's Sing A Long Blog (2008)

I don't know what the heck I watched last night. I'm not talking about does this count as a movie or a mini series, I'm talking about what...just...happened. Everyone loves this uh...thing but I thought it sucked something awful. In fact, if I wasn't so dedicated, this would've been the first movielike movie to be turned off before it was over. It's a musical that crammed like 14 songs into 42 minutes. I am neither pro-musical nor (or) anti-musical. I'll watch whatever but I'm bummed I watched this.

Movie opens with N.P.H playing Dr. Horrible, making a video blog. Makes sense right? I'm still on board at this point. First thing I wondered is why is the mad scientist making a blog? I know anyone can make a blog. I definitely know. One of his plans get busted because the good guys saw his blog and I wondered why that just didn't happen every time. And why is the guy making a video blog with mad scientist weapons printing out his emails. We're past that. The good guy, who is really the bad guy because NPH the bad guy is really the good guy (get it?), is named Captain Hammer. NPH calls Captain Hammer a tool and there goes my only genuine laugh, about 5 minutes in. He has another good line when one of his emailers rips him for a botched robbery saying it's not about making money, it's about taking money. Which brings up another point. If I ever have a portion of the blog that responds to your emails, I'm not reading the crappy ones. It's your own blog dude.

First song has now started out of nowhere. Sing a long is in the movie titled but I was still dumb enough to be surprised. The sorta movie has now become a love story. NPH has a gigantic crush on the girl who he sees every week at the laundry mat. If you are a mad scientist with the money to invent things like the freeze ray, don't you think you could have built or at least financed a washer and dryer? I think she is a red head but I can never tell with the darker shade ones. Could be dyed. NPH way over does it with the spazz act around her too, like he is acting for children's show.

To make his freeze ray (that freezes time not ice freeze which I did like), NPH has to steal some wonderbronium. It might've been wonderbranium or neither but it still sounds more realistic than Avatar's unobtainium. The wonder bra is in one of those Brinks trucks and NPH manages to remote control it. In the middle of the robbery Captain Hammer comes in and almost causes the truck to run over laundry lady but NPH hits the breaks. She thinks Hammer saved her and falls in love, which seriously bums out NPH. The two men break out into a “Mans got to do what a mans got to do” song. I don't know what the man has to do, but I do know that both singing and singing about it isn't going to get it done.

Next song is sang over a Hammer and Laundry girl date montage. Hammer really is a tool, acts like the bad guy in every chick flick. NPH is a full on creepy stalker during all of this, like bush hiding, window peeking stalking. Which brings me to my next point, what was going on with the writing? At some points this seems like a kiddie movie with NPH saying things like I hope they don't french kiss and the leader of the evil organization is a horse but then you have Captain Hammer talking about giving her his penis which is weird enough and then how on the second time they bang he hears she will do all the really freaky stuff. In the same movie/web movie! I'll finish this paragraph off with at first I wasn't into the chick at all, then started to feel her and I lost it again. Maybe it had to do with the lighting or a good side. If I remember right, I did end up digging her in the last scene. She was all over the place.

NPH loses it like NPH never should. At a big unveiling of the new homeless shelter that laundry girl had been trying to open, NPH storms in and freezes Hammer. Right as he is about to shoot him with the death ray, Hammer unfreezes. Now Hammer is in control and goes to shoot NPH but the gun explodes. Hammer gets hurt for the first time in his life and laundry girl gets killed by shrapnel. Movie ends with NPH getting super powerful but he feels nothing. Aww.


Favorite Scene : n/a. Nothing that made me say to my self awww yaaahh or oooo I like that, like I often do during good movies.

Favorite Quotes : “Home is where your heart is so your real home is in your chest”
“The hammer is my penis” there it is, real crass.

Rating : 3.5 circus peanuts. This thing has an 8.8 rating on IMDB which is crazy high so maybe I just missed this one. I knew what it is and I didn't take it seriously which you weren't supposed to. I just thought it was really, really boring. It was only 42 minutes and I still struggled through it. I didn't think the songs weren't particularly catchy or funny and every song can't be about your feelings. There has to be some comic relief. Throw a friggin pie or something geez!

What happens in the sequel : NBH is the leader of the national evil honor society. A footloose like singing is forbidden law is instituted by the evil horse. Hammer and NPH work together in the underground boys choir to bring down this injustice. And they do it for laundry girl.

What I would have done if I was NPH : Grown a pair.

What to take away from this : I know tons of people loved this. Maybe judge this one on your own because I'm in the minority.


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